

Pavonia columella
Common name: Pink Pavonia; Zulu name: indola ebomvu

Pretty pink Pavonias are flowering along forest edges and in gardens at the moment. These shrubs are fast growing and quite tough, although they do prefer warm, moist areas in shade or semi shade.

Stems are covered in fine hairs and leaves are soft and velvety. The five petalled, pale pink flowers are borne on side stems and bloom from spring right through to early winter, attracting butterflies and bees.

Pavonia are members of the Hibiscus family and display the distinctive yellow stamens fused around the style.

Don't miss the Annual Indigenous Plant Fair at the Royal Show Grounds from 30 April to 1 May where you will be able to find Pavonia and other lovely plants for your garden.

Click on any of the links below to see another Dargle wildflower